Thursday, April 15, 2010

Working Protocols

What are the guidelines under which you are working as a group? What has worked in your group dynamic so far, and what do you want to change in how your group works moving forward?

-mutual responsibility

-being aware of our own and our group mate's strengths and weaknesses (for example, more outgoing group members make phone calls).

-tying to take everyone's values into account and incorporating them into the project

Group dynamic so far:

Each day, we start the class off by having a group discussion about where we are with the project. From there, we figure out what part of the project each individual is responsible for (for example, specific tasks like making phone calls or talking to Eric Daniels).

We have considered assigning more long term tasks/portions of the project to each individual, but we have decided that we like the way we have been doing it.

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